These qualifications have been designed to meet the need for qualifications that recognise the acquisition of knowledge, experience and ability in the teaching of dance in a diverse range of settings (e.g. in private dance schools, primary and secondary education and colleges).
There are three qualifications that cover RQF levels 3 - 5
These qualifications are aimed at people engaged in teaching dance in any discipline, form or tradition.
Entry to the qualifications is open to any prospective learner who is able to meet the conditions for entry outlined below:
(Principal/Head Teachers of 10 years of more experience may be considered on application for direct entry to this level)
Exemptions from some of the qualification requirements may be granted where prior experiential learning (APEL) or prior learning (APL) can be clearly demonstrated.
Learners must attend a one-day introductory course after which the remaining written elements of the qualifications are completed by correspondence.
Assessment of the qualifications provides opportunities for all learners to demonstrate achievement both through observed performance and in discussion with the assessor.
Entries for these qualifications must be made through GQAL directly.