These awards are aimed at people engaged in teaching dance in any discipline, form or tradition.
Entry to the awards is open to any prospective learner who is able to meet the prior conditions for entry (see specification.) Learners are expected to start at a Grade appropriate to their experience and prior learning. exemptions from some of the award requirements may be granted where prior experiential learning (APEL) or appropriate prior learning (APL) can be clearly demonstrated.
Learners will have to demonstrate that they can respond promptly and correctly to different situations and are able to make informed decisions based on both pedagogy and good practice in dance. They will be able to manage complex situations in a variety of contexts and know when and how to obtain support. They will be able to take increased responsibility for their own work, to obtain information relevant to their role and to offer support and guidance to colleagues. They will demonstrate well developed relevant skills and knowledge and the ability to employ this sensitively and appropriately in different settings. For more information about our other dance teaching qualifications please follow the links below.
Certificate for Dance Teaching Assistant