Customer Services

GQAL’s CUSTOMER SERVICES covers the following policies and procedures:

Customer Service Statement

GQAL is committed to:

  • providing performance related qualifications and assessments that recognise the achievements of students and retain public credibility;
  • developing effective working partnerships between GQAL, entry centres, examiners/assessors, and the wider community that wish to use GQAL qualifications;
  • providing a high quality, efficient and effective service to all our customers;
  • recognising and respecting the needs and rights of all individuals;
  • the continuous improvement of our programmes and services;
  • providing clearly stated minimum standards for our services and evaluating our effectiveness in maintaining these.

GQAL customers can expect to be:

  • treated by courtesy, respect and consideration;
  • identifed by name when communicated with;
  • listened and responded to appropriately;
  • dealt with efficiently, with integrity, fairness and professionalism;
  • provided with relevant, accurate and up to date information when needed
  • made aware of the standard of service we aim to provide;
  • asked to feedback on a regular basis, and by a variety of means, to help us continue to develop our programmes and services;

If a problem arises GQAL will:

  • deal with the matter as soon as possible;
  • advise you of what action can be taken when it cannot be dealt with immediately;
  • advise you of any further steps you can take if you remain dissatisfied.

The Ten Service Standards.

GQAL seeks to continuously improve the way we work and the quality of service we provide. The following standards cover the services that we offer to teachers/centres, candidates and parents/guardians in the provision of qualifications. These services involve providing relevant information, answering enquiries and managing the examination and assessment process.

Standard 1. Answer your letters clearly and within 15 working days of receipt.
Standard 2. See you within 15 minutes of any pre-arranged time for appointments at our offices.
Standard 3. Provide regular information about qualifications our qualifications and services.
Standard 4. Provide enough notice to ensure no cohort is impacted by any significant changes to assessment and examination requirements.
Standard 5. Provide enough notice of the withdrawal of a specification to ensure any cohort that has started the qualification can complete it.
Standard 6. Consult users regularly about services and report on findings.
Standard 7. Have a complaints and compliments procedure.
Standard 8. Take all reasonable steps to make services inclusive and accessible to everyone.
Standard 9. Provide a professional, courteous and efficient service.
Standard 10. Clarity in explaining our position. We will answer your questions in a clear and concise manner. We will explain how decisions were made and convey this information in understandable language.

Compliments Policy and Procedure

GQAL values compliments, these will always be fed back to appropriate personnel. They are invaluable for maintaining and improving our reputation and therefore contribute to our community of professional practitioners. They provide us with the evidence to develop our qualification base.

Please send your comments to:

Post to: Helen Mence, Responsible Officer, GQAL, International Arts Centre, Garden Street, Leicester. LE1 3UA

Email to:

Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration Policy and Procedure

General Principles

GQAL will take reasonable care to:
  • provide valid alternative arrangements for access to examinations and assessment;
  • give attention to the assessment where specific circumstances have arisen at or near to the time of assessment that were not provided for by prior reasonable adjustments;
  • ensure that neither a reasonable adjustment or special consideration gives an unfair advantage over other candidates;
  • ensure that a reasonable adjustment or special consideration does not reduce the validity or reliability of the examination or assessment;
  • ensure that the provision of a reasonable adjustment or special consideration does not mislead the users of the qualification about the candidate’s attainment;
  • ensure that the provision for a reasonable adjustment or special consideration does not compromise the integrity or credibility of the qualification;
  • determine a reasonable adjustment or special consideration in relation to the defined needs of individual candidates;
  • consider the candidate’s usual methods of learning and producing work when making decisions on a reasonable adjustment or special consideration.

Reasonable Adjustments Procedures

When entering candidates for an examination the centre/teacher should:
  • 1. choose the examination or the ‘component’ within a qualification which is most appropriate for the candidate with a known long-term permanent disability or learning difficulty;
  • 2. diagnose the requirements of each candidate individually making use of specialist advice from external sources as appropriate;
  • 3. ensure that the adjustments requested will assist the candidate to demonstrate their attainment without affecting or circumventing assessment requirements;
  • 4. consider the candidate’s normal way of learning and producing work as a basis for reasonable adjustments provided that this would not give the candidate an unfair advantage or compromise the integrity of the examination or assessment;
  • 5. ensure that the candidate has experience of and practice in the use of the adjustments requested;
  • 6. consult GQAL at the earliest opportunity in order to plan adjustments for a candidate with particular needs;
  • 7. contact GQAL if there is any doubt surrounding the acceptability of proposed adjustments for a particular candidate;
  • 8. ensure that all applications for reasonable adjustments have been agreed with GQAL in advance of an entry being made;
  • 9. note that a candidate with an Education Health Care Plan does not qualify automatically for reasonable adjustments;
  • 10. note that failure to comply with the requirements contained in this document may lead to a candidate’s result being withheld.

Centres/teachers should send all specific enquiries, requests for advice and completed application forms to:

Post to: Helen Mence, Responsible Officer, GQAL, International Arts Centre, Garden Street, Leicester. LE1 3UA

Email to:

Detailed Guidance

  • Reasonable adjustments apply to both permanent or long-term disabilities and learning difficulties, and to temporary disabilities, illness and indisposition’s.
  • In the case of temporary conditions GQAL should be contacted as soon as possible after the situation arises.
  • If a temporary condition arises during the examination the advice of GQAL should be sought wherever possible especially if the circumstances are unusual or distressing.
  • Avoid making assumptions on the basis of previous experience or hearsay about the adjustments that may or may not be made.
  • Judgements are made by GQAL according to the circumstances and needs of the individual candidate.
  • In respect of permanent or long-term conditions the most appropriate specification should be chosen. Whenever possible the specification and options available should be investigated and the one most suitable to meet the needs of the candidate chosen.
  • Multiple disabilities - some students with physical disabilities also have sensory difficulties or problems. If candidates have multiple disabilities all the possibilities for meeting the assessment needs of the candidate should be considered.
  • Before making an application for reasonable adjustments:
    ~ consult any specialist services available;
    ~ consider whether the severity or effect of the particular disability is likely to change before the time of the examination;
  • The impact of reasonable adjustments on other candidates may be taken into account ensuring that these do not give the candidate an unfair advantage over other candidates or compromise the integrity of the examination.
  • For some candidates it may be permissible to use alternative forms of communication to give directions or instructions such as a hearing loop although these should be kept to a minimum in accordance with examination regulations. Examples of alternative communication could be the use of British Sign Language (BSL) to give instructions or directions, but only where this does not compromise a candidate’s ability to perform the requirements of the examination. Where BSL is the primary means of communication for a candidate who is deaf, these candidates may have the support of a BSL/English interpreter to sign the instructions or directions being given by the examiner/assessor. The teacher/centre is responsible for providing this. The BSL interpreter should be recruited with integrity by the centre/teacher and hold an appropriate qualification in sign language, have a good working knowledge of the content of the examination and must not be related to the candidate. A candidate should wherever possible have had previous experience of working with a BSL/English interpreter and should have used this arrangement during their classes.
  • Candidates with Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) do not necessarily qualify for reasonable adjustments. Where candidates have EHCP’s, action should be taken to ensure their possible needs are considered before the candidate commences the programme of study.
  • In all cases, when consideration is being given to a candidate with particular needs (whether EHCPs or not), the Parents or Guardians of the candidate must be consulted and kept informed of the appropriateness of the award, the demands of a programme of study and the nature of the examination requirements before the candidate commences.
  • Careful consideration must be given to the resourcing implications of any reasonable adjustments, which may be agreed.
  • The candidate must have had experience of, and practice in the use of any reasonable adjustments requested.
  • If there is any doubt about the acceptability of the adjustments proposed, the GQAL should be consulted at the earliest opportunity and preferably before the programme of study is started.
  • In the case of learning difficulties there must be evidence of a need and a history of provision during the teaching of the programme of study. The evidence must take the form of one of the following:
    ~ details from the Education Health Care Plan;
    ~ a relevant diagnostic report confirming a learning disability produced by an educational psychologist or other appropriately qualified and competent person.
  • The evidence must be held by the centre and made available to GQAL on request.

Evidence Requirements

Historical evidence of the candidate's needs and an indication of how these needs have been met during the programme of study must be provided to GQAL. Centres will be expected to establish that the candidate's needs have been recognised over the duration of the teaching of the programme of study and that the adjustments requested for the examination reflect past and present requirements.

In the case of learning difficulties, evidence of need should be confirmed by a history of provision during the teaching of the programme of study within the centre, supported by current medical/psychological evidence from a competent person to support the application. (A competent person is defined as a Medical Doctor, Chartered Psychologist or a full/affiliated Member of the Association of Educational Psychologists or person of similar professional and relevant standing.)

Submitting Applications

Application is by letter to:

Post to: Helen Mence, Responsible Officer, GQAL, International Arts Centre, Garden Street, Leicester. LE1 3UA

Email to:

This should be received at least 60 working days before the intended date of examination. The letter must include the following information:

  • Title of the award as entered;
  • Date of Exam/Assessment;
  • A full description of the reasons why reasonable adjustments are being requested for an individual named candidate;
  • Current medical/psychological evidence from a competent person to support the application
  • A description of all reasonable adjustments already made within the centre for the teaching of the programme of study;
  • The centres recommendations for reasonable adjustments and the ways that this will be provided by the centre for the examination/assessment;
  • A declaration to say that the centre is satisfied that the information provided is accurate;

Additional Guidance for Candidates With Physical Or Other Disabilities

The guiding principle in practical assessments must be safety at all times. Candidates must neither endanger other candidates nor endanger themselves. In every case teachers/centres must ensure that the programme of study and the examination is suitable for the candidate and not beyond their physical capabilities. This requires that the candidate’s needs should have been recognised over a period of time and the adjustments proposed for teaching the programme of study and examination should reflect past and present need. If no previous adjustments have been made teachers/centres must consider very carefully whether arrangements are justified. Where any doubt exists teachers/centres must contact GQAL before a candidate commences work on a programme of study leading to an examination.

The teacher/centre should avoid misleading parents, students and other interested parties about the candidate’s likely acceptance for the examination and the level of attainment possible.

Where an examiner/assessor has reasonable grounds for believing that candidates might either endanger other candidates or endanger themselves the examiner/assessor is required by GQAL not to proceed with the examination and to inform GQAL immediately that this is the case.

Reasonable adjustments are intended to enable the candidate to demonstrate their level of attainment but the teacher/centre must ensure, and the examiner/assessor must be satisfied that they do not give the candidate an unfair advantage over other candidates in the same examination.

Special Consideration Procedures


1. A candidate who is fully prepared for assessment will be eligible for special consideration if: (a) performance in a component is affected by circumstances beyond the control of the candidate, e.g. recent personal illness, accident, bereavement, serious disturbance during the examination (but see paragraphs 3(a) below); (b) reasonable adjustments which were made in respect of a permanent or long-term disability proved inappropriate or inadequate. 2. A candidate will not be eligible for special consideration if: (a) any part of the examination is missed due to personal arrangements including holidays or unauthorised absence from any examination component; (b) no evidence is supplied by the teacher/centre that the candidate had been affected at the time of the examination by a particular condition e.g. chronic hay fever. 3. Candidates, either individually or as groups, will not be eligible for special consideration if: ((a) preparation for a component is affected by difficulties during the course of study e.g. disturbances through building work, lack of proper facilities, changes in or shortages of staff, industrial disputes; (b) the effect on the final assessment cannot be reliably quantified by GQAL.

Following an application for special consideration GQAL may make a discretionary ‘exceptional circumstance’ award provided that additional appropriate pre-existing evidence of attainment is available.

How To Apply

The teacher/centre is responsible for discussing the possible need for special consideration with the examiner/assessor before the examination starts. The examiner/assessor and centre must be satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt that the case of an individual candidate is genuine. The examiner/assessor will notify GQAL (if possible before the examination starts) the examiner/assessor will send GQAL a confidential written report about the circumstances. The centre must submit a letter requesting special consideration to GQAL as soon as possible after the examination and not later than 2 days after the date of the examination. This letter must provide medical or other appropriate evidence to support the request.

Submitting Applications

Application is by letter to:

Post to: Helen Mence, Responsible Officer, GQAL, International Arts Centre, Garden Street, Leicester. LE1 3UA

Email to:

The letter must include the following information:

  • Title of the award as entered;
  • Date of examination/assessment
  • A full description of the adverse circumstances on the date of the examination/assessment;
  • Where appropriate current medical/psychological evidence from a competent person to support the application;

General Guidance On Applications For Reasonable Adjustments Or Special Consideration

  • State precisely the nature of the disability or indisposition and its effects in relation to examination/assessment.
  • Specify any information/evidence enclosed with the application which will assist understanding of the appication.
  • Specify the recommendations for the reasonable adjustments needed by the candidate. Be as precise as possible. Remember, it is the teachers/centres responsibility to recommend and subsequently provide the reasonable adjustments being requested.
  • You are advised wherever possible to consult a specialist advisory service or other external service on the most appropriate adjustments for the candidate.
  • Provide details of all reasonable adjustments already made within the centre for teaching the programme of study and indicate any support that is usually available to the candidate during teaching.
  • Specify for how long such adjustments have been made for the candidate. If none have been made put ‘none’.
  • Complete the declaration. It is the responsibility of the teacher/centre to verify the accuracy of the information required to support the request and subsequently provide the reasonable adjustments decided upon.
  • Enclose copies of current (e.g. provided within the previous two years) medical/psychological evidence from a competent person to support the application. (A competent person is defined as a Medical Doctor, Chartered Psychologist or a full/affiliated Member of the Association of Educational Psychologists or person of similar professional and relevant standing.)
  • The supporting evidence from a competent person must clearly indicate why the candidate has learning difficulties or particular needs severe enough to warrant reasonable adjustments. The person must indicate whether in their judgement the examination is appropriate for the candidate. Include any other information to be taken into account such as physical, perceptual, attentional or co-ordination difficulties and any relevant emotional factors must be commented on and the results of recognised tests relating to these supplied.

Aegrotat Awards

  • An aegrotat award for incomplete study is an unclassified award that may be conferred in exceptional circumstances such as when a student's ability to complete an award is compromised by sudden circumstances.
  • An aegrotat award may be made to a candidate who is prevented by illness or other medical reasons or by circumstances that could not have been predicted or anticipated from completing an examination or final assessment.
  • It is the responsibility of the teacher/centre to immediately notify GQAL of the likelihood of an aegrotat award being applied for and to ensure that the reasons or circumstances are fully documented and supported by evidence which will be passed to GQAL without undue delay.
  • GQAL having considered the relevant facts (which should include satisfactory medical certification or other appropriate evidence) may recommend that an aegrotat award be made.
  • In doing so GQAL should be satisfied that the candidate's prior performance shows beyond reasonable doubt that they would have passed but for the illness/incident which occurred.
  • GQAL should be satisfied that the candidate is unlikely to be able to return to complete their examination or assessment at a later date within a reasonable period.
  • If it is agreed that an aegrotat award be made GQAL shall require the candidate to confirm in writing that they are willing to accept an aegrotat award.
  • Notification of the candidate's signed confirmation of willingness to accept an aegrotat award shall be provided before an aegrotat award is made.
  • Where the candidate is a minor the signature of the parent/guardian will be required to confirm that an aegrotat award is acceptable.
  • Where the candidate or parent/guardian is unwilling to do so GQAL shall endeavour to make appropriate arrangements for the learner to complete or re-take the examination/assessment concerned.
  • An aegrotat award shall not state it to be a ‘Pass, Pass with Merit or Pass with Distinction’ but clearly state that it is an aegrotat award.
  • An aegrotat award does not necessarily entitle the holder to any credits or exemptions which might otherwise be associated with the award concerned.

Appeals/Complaints Against GQAL's Decision For Reasonable Adjustments Or Special Consideration.

If an appeal is to be made against GQAL’s decision for a reasonable adjustment or special consideration it must be made in writing to the Responsible Officer within 30 days of receipt of notification of a decision as a complaint (see GQAL Complaints).

Malpractice And Maladministration

GQAL acknowledges its responsibility to deal with any issues of malpractice or maladministration on the part of candidates, centre staff or any others involved in providing their qualifications.

GQAL is obliged to investigate all cases of malpractice and or maladministration in liaison with the parties concerned. If an investigation results in evidence of malpractice and or maladministration GQAL will take the necessary steps to ensure that the candidates’ interests are protected as far as is reasonably possible, this may include making arrangements for re-assessment or re-certification. GQAL will take action to prevent a reoccurrence of the malpractice and or maladministration and where necessary will impose an appropriate sanction.

What Is Malpractice?

Malpractice is defined as any activity or practice, which deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the integrity of the assessment process and or the validity of certificates. For the purpose of this policy this term also covers misconduct. The categories listed below are examples of potential malpractice. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

  • Plagiarism of any nature by candidates.
  • Disruptive behaviour by candidates.
  • Cheating in an examination.
Anybody who suspects malpractice at any time must immediately report it to GQAL.

What Is Maladministration?

Maladministration is defined as any activity or practice which results in non-compliance with regulations. Anybody identifying cases of maladministration should report them to GQAL. The categories listed below are examples of potential maladministration. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

  • Failure to adhere to our candidate registration and certification procedures.
  • Failure to comply with any centre approval criteria or examination requirements.
  • Failure to maintain auditable records, e.g. certification claims.
  • Fraudulent claim for certificates.
  • Intentional withholding of information from GQAL which is critical to maintaining the rigour of quality assurance.
  • Deliberate misuse of GQAL’s logo.
  • Submission of false information to gain a proxy or a qualification.
  • Failure to adhere to the requirements of our GQAL’s ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ and ‘Special Consideration’ Policy.

Anybody who suspects maladministration at any time must immediately report it to GQAL.

GQAL will require the teachers/centres to carry out their own initial investigations into any suspected malpractice. GQAL will provide guidance and support to centres to put arrangements in place to investigate and prevent future malpractice.

Notification(1), Reporting(2) and Investigating(3) an Incident of Malpractice and or Maladministration

In the case of a notification(1) of suspected malpractice and or maladministration GQAL’s Responsible Officer will request a report(2) comprising of the information below:

  • centre name,
  • teacher name,
  • candidate’s name and registration number (if applicable),
  • title and number of the qualification affected (if applicable),
  • date(s) suspected malpractice and or maladministration occurred,
  • full nature of the suspected malpractice and or maladministration,
  • the full detail and results of any investigation carried out by the centre or anybody else involved in the incident, including any mitigating circumstances,
  • written statements from those involved in the incident, e.g. witness statements,
  • date of the report and the informant’s name, position and signature.

GQAL’s Responsible Officer will review the report and decide whether:

  • there is sufficient evidence to launch an investigation,
  • more evidence is needed before an investigation can be launched,
  • there is insufficient evidence for an investigation,
and respond to the informant within 5 working days to set out the initial findings and decision based on one of the three options above

Should GQAL’s Responsible Officer wish to launch a formal investigation(3) the following will take place.

Appointing The Investigation Team

GQAL’s Responsible Officer will invite members of the Examination Standards Committee to take part in the investigation. A requirement for members of the Investigation Panel will be that they have:

  • no personal interest in the case;
  • not had any previous dealings with those involved in it.
Members of the Investigation Panel will be expected to confirm their objectivity in the investigation and any potential conflicts of interest should be stated in advance of the investigation. Should there be a potential conflict of interest GQAL’s Responsible Officer may decide to remove that person from the panel depending on the nature of the conflict.

The Investigation Process

The Investigation Panel will look through all the evidence presented and carry out further investigation to establish the nature of the malpractice and or maladministration and establish the facts of the case. They may need to:

  • carry out site visits should failure of security or confidentiality of premises be in question;
  • interview those involved to establish the facts of the case should there be discrepancies in the facts from different viewpoints;
  • request further information from those involved.

After reviewing all the evidence, the Investigation Panel will come to a decision (this has to be a majority decision within the panel if not unanimous) and inform GQAL’s Responsible Officer. The Investigation Panel should report its findings formally to the Examination Standards Committee and then ask the Directors to ratify their decision before the parties involved are informed of the decision. A majority vote will apply.

Those involved will normally be informed within 30 working days of the notification of the incident unless there is a reason why the investigation cannot be completed within that time, e.g. in some cases the investigation may take longer if GQAL deems it necessary to carry out site visits. In such instances, GQAL will advise all parties concerned of the likely revised timescale.

GQAL expects all parties who are either directly or indirectly involved in the investigation to fully co-operate. In instances where a teacher/centre or its candidates do not co-operate GQAL may have no alternative but to take action against those involved for non-compliance. Possible actions for non-compliance can be found in GQAL’s Sanctions Policy. During the investigation the review process may involve:

  • a request for further information from those involved,
  • interviews (face to face, telephone, or remote) with those involved in the investigation,
  • arranging for authorised personnel to carry out a site visit.

Outcome of the Investigation

GQAL will consider all factors put forward by the teacher/centre or the candidate in determining the appropriate sanctions. GQAL’s Sanctions Policy provides information about the range and degree of sanctions that may be imposed. These will be determined in proportion to the scale and type of malpractice and or maladministration.

  • ~ candidate malpractice

    If the investigation confirms that candidate malpractice has taken place, GQAL may impose one or more of the following sanctions on the candidate:

    • disallowing all or part of the candidate’s external assessment marks,
    • not issuing the candidate’s certificate(s),
    • disqualification from the qualification.

  • ~ teacher or centre malpractice and or maladministration

    If the investigation confirms that teacher/centre malpractice has taken place, GQAL may impose sanctions on the teacher/centre in accordance with GQAL’s Sanctions Policy including:

    • suspension of a centre’s approval status or teacher membership status for all GQAL qualifications,
    • suspension of candidate registration for the qualification,
    • suspension of the certification service for the qualification.

  • ~ examiner malpractice and or maladministration

    If an examiner is reported to be colluding with candidates the evidence will be passed to GQAL’s Responsible Office and will be closely monitored. If collusion is corroborated, then the examiner will be dismissed and the candidates in question will be re-examined.

Referring Matters To The Regulatory Bodies

GQAL’s Responsible Officer will inform the regulators if an investigation is taking place, where appropriate GQAL will agree the appropriate course of action with the regulator. GQAL will co-operate with the regulators should it be decided that they need to participate in or in exceptional cases lead the investigation. That may involve:

  • a request for further information from those involved;
  • interviews (face to face or by telephone) with those involved in the investigation;
  • arranging for authorised personnel to carry out a site visit.
In cases where certificates for regulated qualifications are deemed to be invalid we will inform the teacher/centre, the candidate and the regulatory authorities of the reasons why they are invalid and provide details of action to be taken for re-assessment and or certification.

Reporting the Outcome to the Parties Involved

Once the report has been ratified by GQAL’s Board of Directors it will be made available as a final report to the centre and to the regulatory authorities and other external agencies as required. If an independent/third party notified us of the suspected case of malpractice and or maladministration we will inform them of the outcome.

Imposing And Monitoring Sanctions

Any sanctions imposed will be decided by the Examination Standards Committee and ratified by the Board of Directors. Those involved will be informed as part of the reporting process. Sanctions will be imposed based on the scale and nature of the malpractice and will be imposed in a proportionate manner as outlined in the Sanctions Policy. GQAL’s Responsible Officer will monitor the agreed sanctions. Any actions that need to be taken as part of these sanctions will be monitored by the Responsible Officer and reported to the Board of Directors.
Should any additional measure be required (e.g. for continued non-compliance during the monitoring period) the Responsible Officer will request a decision to be made by the Board of Directors to extend the sanction finish date or escalate them. Either at notification of a suspected case of malpractice and or maladministration or at any time during the investigation GQAL reserves the right to suspend any claims for candidate certification submitted by the centre involved.

Complaints and Appeals Against Our Decision To Impose Sanctions

If an appeal is to be made against GQAL’s decision to impose sanctions, it must be made in writing to GQAL’s Responsible Officer within 30 working days of receipt of notification of a decision as a complaint (see GQAL Complaints).

Enquiries On Results Service

Results, certificates and profiles will be issued within 30 working days of the examination date.
All applications for enquiries about results will be acknowledged within 7 working days of receipt.
Requests for a clerical re-check for an individual candidate will be responded to within 7 working days of receipt.
Requests for a review and re-mark for an individual candidate will be responded to within 14 working days of receipt.
Requests for a review and moderation for a group of candidates will be responded to within a 30 working days period from receipt.

This is a service provided by GQAL. This service sits outside an appeal or complaint. The Enquiries on Results Service may only be requested by the Head of the Centre, or the Teacher in a sole teacher centre, on behalf of candidates or parents. All enquiries about results must only be made to GQAL. All applications for the Enquiries on Results Service will be acknowledged within 7 working days of receipt. If you have not received an acknowledgement within this period you should inform GQAL’s Head Office immediately.

Three levels of enquiries are available to Centres that have entered candidates for GQAL Awards:
Level 1. Clerical re-check
A full clerical re-check including the provision of a statement of the marks by assessment criteria for an individual candidate.
Level 2. Review and re-mark
A review of the mark records and a re-mark of the examination for an individual candidate by the Independent Assessor, a full clerical re-check and statement of marks by assessment criteria.
Level 3. Review and moderation
Review and moderation of all the mark records for a group of candidates, by a moderator together with a full clerical re-check and statement of marks by assessment criteria. Centres should bear in mind that if the results are deemed to be correct as issued there is a charge made for this service. Details of current fees can be found in the fees section of the GQAL’s website. Only one review and re-mark will be allowed for each candidate's result. Centres may in addition, request a review and moderation of all the mark records for a group of candidates.

Applications For Enquiry On Results Service Must Be:

  • (a) submitted to GQAL by the Centre responsible for the candidate's entry;
  • (b) submitted within two working weeks of the receipt of the results. (Centres are advised that they should submit enquiries as soon as possible after the results have been issued. Requests received after the time allowed will not be accepted);
  • (c) accompanied by a consent form and a letter stating the reasons for the enquiry.

GQAL will not consider:

  • (a) any telephone requests for Enquiries on Results Service;
  • (b) any direct requests for Enquiries on Results Service from candidates or their parents.

Outcome Of Enquiries On Results Service

GQAL will provide written notification to the Centre of the outcome of the enquiry. If the outcome of an enquiry is considered by GQAL to bring into question the accuracy of the results for other candidates in that or other groups, the outcome of the original enquiry will be notified to the Centre and GQAL will extend the enquiry to include any other candidates who may have been affected. The Centre will be notified of the further investigation and the outcome.

As a consequence of a change in the Final Award GQAL will:

  • (a) notify the Centre at once in writing;
  • (b) make no charge for the candidate enquiry fee where a grade is amended or, in the case of the review and moderation service, charge a proportion of the total fee as is appropriate to the circumstances;
  • (c) issue a revised statement of results and/or issue a revised certificate where necessary, when the original certificate has been returned.

In cases where a clerical check, review, re-mark or moderation reveals inaccurate marking or a clerical error, marks may be confirmed, lowered or raised and the award of a Pass, Merit or Distinction may also be confirmed, lowered or raised. Centres must advise candidates and or parents of these possible outcomes and the candidate’s informed consent must be sought before any application is submitted. Please note that by counter-signing and submitting an application form the Centre confirms that the candidate and parent(s) are aware of the possible outcomes and has consented to the application. It is the responsibility of the Centre to ensure that all candidates involved in enquiries about results are aware of and accept the possible outcomes of an enquiry.

Detailed Description Of The Enquiry On Results Service

1.Clerical re-check

This will ca) a re-check that all assessment criteria have been marked;
b) a re-check that the marks have been properly transferred from the assessment documentation;
c) a re-check that the marks for the award have been correctly recorded in the computer system;
d) a re-check that any adjustments, if applicable, have been correctly applied;
e) a re-check on the grade boundaries;
f) a re-check on the application, where appropriate, of any allowances, e.g. those resulting from special consideration.

2. Review and re-mark

This will consist of the following:
a) a clerical re-check consisting of all items 1 above;
b) a check on the applicable Examiner/Independent Assessor standardisation records and the Centre standardisation records;
c) a review of the assessment documentation and the original marks awarded for assessment criteria undertaken against the approved mark scheme for the examination, by the Assessment Standards Officer who will confirm or amend the original marks.

3. Review and moderation

This is a review and moderation of all the mark records for a group of candidates by a moderator, together with a full clerical re-check and statement of marks by component and assessment category and consists of:
a) a complete review, including clerical checks, by the Assessment Standards Officer and an independent expert, of all stages in the examination process prior to the issue of the results for a group of candidates.
b) a check on the applicable Examiner/Independent Assessor standardisation records, Centre standardisation records and standardisation archive materials;
c) a written report from the original Examiner/Independent Assessor;
d) the provision to the centre of a report by the Assessment Standards Officer on the results of the review;
e) the provision of the moderated final scores.

NB. When a review and moderation has been requested, no request for a clerical check, review or re-mark of the examination results for an individual candidate entered for that group will be accepted.

Appeals To GQAL Against The Outcome Of The Enquiries On Results Service.

After the outcome of an Enquiry on Results Service has been reported, the Centre may appeal against the decision. Appeals on behalf of an individual candidate or a group of candidates can only be made by the Centre responsible for the entry. All appeals must be made in writing and in accordance with the requirements set out in the Appeals Procedure.

Alteration Of Final Scores And Awards Following Enquiries On Results Service.

The lowering of a subject grade following an enquiry, or any subsequent appeal will only apply;
i) if the marks for an assessment criterion are lowered;
ii) if the enquiry is initiated by the Centre.
If for any reason a review or re-mark is initiated by GQAL, final scores can only be confirmed or raised.

It is essential that any candidate involved in an enquiry or any subsequent appeal about a GQAL Examination is made fully aware of the potential outcomes. GQAL strongly suggests that this information is made available to candidates in writing, and require that formal written consent is received from the candidate (if over the age of 18 years) or from the parent or guardian in the case of a minor. A suggested template for this purpose is available from Head Office. Centres may adapt it for their own use, for example by incorporating the name of the School or College. A copy of the signed consent form should be sent when the enquiry about results is initiated.

By signing the application form for an enquiry the Head of the Centre is confirming to GQAL that the candidate has been fully informed of the possible outcomes, and has given consent to the enquiry being made.

The consent of candidates is not formally required before an enquiry is made about the results for a group of candidates or examination session. However, GQAL recommends that candidates should be made aware that the Centre intends to make an enquiry and that this may result in the final scores for any or all of the candidates involved being confirmed, raised or lowered.


After the outcome of an Enquiry on Results Service has been reported, the Centre may appeal against the decision. Appeals on behalf of an individual candidate or a group of candidates can only be made by the Centre responsible for the entry. All appeals must be made in writing and in accordance with the requirements set out below.

The focus of an Appeal is to establish whether or not GQAL in making awards has used procedures that were fit for purpose, and whether it applied them properly and fairly.

An Appeal is separate to the Enquiry on Results, it will not involve a review of the examination scores as that will have already been completed during the Enquiry on Results service.


The Appeal process is the final GQAL stage open to Centres on behalf of candidates after having used the Enquiry on Results service.

An Appeal from the Centre must be submitted via email or letter to the Responsible Officer at GQAL.

All applications for appeals will be acknowledged within 7 working days of receipt.

The Appeal

The Centre will need to notify GQAL of their Appeal within 14 working days of the date on which notification of the final outcome of the Enquiry upon Results was received by the Centre.

Formal notification of the intention to appeal should include the following information:
(a) Name(s) and Identification Number(s) of the Candidate(s); (b) Grades; (c) Date of Examination/Assessment; (d) Brief summary statement of the reason(s) for making the appeal; (e) Full description of the reason for appeal.

Where the Centre considers that a common issue applies to a number of candidates from the Centre, a joint application for those candidates should be made. Receipt of this notification will be acknowledged by email.

The Appeal will be Reviewed by a senior member of GQAL who has not been involved in the examination/assessment and the enquiry on results. The Review of the Appeal will be considered by an Appeals Panel and submitted to the Board of Directors for their approval. The Appeals Panel will be an appropriately selected group of experts in the area of this case.

The Appellant will be informed of the result of their Appeal within a 20 working day period from the date on which the Appeal was received by GQAL, unless extra time is needed, in which case the Appellant will be notified.

The Appeal is the final approach to GQAL open to Centres after having used the Enquiry on Results.

Centres should bear in mind that there is a charge made for this service should the Appeal be turned down. Details of current fees can be found in the fees section of the GQAL’s website.

The outcome of the appeal may (i) result in it being turned down (ii) require GQAL to take appropriate action and or (iii) may involve broader recommendations being made to GQAL.

The Outcome of the Appeal is the final stage for GQAL, though the Appellant can refer the matter to the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual). Their address is: Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator, Spring Place, Coventry Business Park, Herald Avenue, Coventry. CV5 6UB

GQAL respectfully reserves the right to cease dealing with the appeal if the correspondence is considered frivolous, vexatious or offensive.


We value feedback of how we can improve. All complaints will be handled sensitively and efficiently.
If you have a complaint please follow the procedure below to enable us to respond as quickly as possible.
The Complaint procedure does not deal with examination results as these are dealt with by the Enquiries on Results and subsequent Enquiry on Results Appeals process.
GQAL does not normally investigate complaints received more than six months after occurrence.

Complaints must be submitted by email or letter within 14 working days of the date of the occurrence/incident.

To enable us to process your Complaint effectively please provide us with as much of the following information as you can:
  • your name and address;
  • centre name and number, if relevant;
  • an email address;
  • a clear description of your complaint;
  • copies of any relevant correspondence.

All Complaints will be acknowledged within 7 working days of receipt.

The Complainent will be informed of the result within a 20 working day period from the date on which the complaint was received.
The Complainant may Appeal if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their Complaint but must provide a reason with evidence of their dissatisfaction with the outcome of their complaint.

The Complainant will need to notify GQAL of their Appeal within 14 working days of the date on which the notification of the final outcome of the compliant was received by the Centre.

The Appeal will be considered by an Appeals Panel and submitted to the Board of Directors for their approval. The Appeals Panel will be an appropriately selected group of experts in the area of this case.

The Complainant will be informed of the result of their Appeal within a 20 working day period from the date on which the Complaint Appeal was received by GQAL, unless extra time is needed, in which case the Complainant will be notified.

The Complaint Appeal is the final approach to GQAL.

Centres should bear in mind that there is a charge made for this service should the Complaint Appeal be turned down. Details of current fees can be found in the fees section of the GQAL’s website.

The Appeal may (i) result in it being turned down (ii) require GQAL to take appropriate action or (iii) may involve broader recommendations being made to GQAL.

The Outcome of the Appeal is the final stage for GQAL, though the Appellant can refer the matter to the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual). Their address is: Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator, Spring Place, Coventry Business Park, Herald Avenue, Coventry. CV5 6UB

GQAL respectfully reserves the right to cease dealing with the appeal if the correspondence is considered frivolous, vexatious or offensive.

Guidance on Complaints for Learners, Parents, Carers.

Under normal circumstances we are unable to receive complaints directly from Learners, Parents or Carers.
Please discuss your concerns with the Teacher, Head of Centre or Examinations Officer in the first instance and they will be able to act on your behalf.
The Complaint procedure does not deal with examination results as these are dealt with by the Enquiries on Results and subsequent Enquiry on Results Appeals process. If you still remain unhappy with your results the teacher is in the best position to offer advice and guidance.
If your concerns relate to the teaching of one of our qualifications or a decision made by your Centre you should follow the Centre’s Complaints and Appeals process which they are required to have.
If you have been through this process and remain dissatisfied you may bring your concern to our attention.

Guidance on Complaints about Teaching, Centre Administration, Management, Organisation.

Complaints about the quality of teaching, centre administration, management and organisation should not be made to GQAL. Any complaints about the quality of teaching, centre administration, management and organisation should be made to the Head of Centre (where the teacher is employed by or attached to, an organisation) or to the association that the teacher is a member of (where the teacher is not employed by, or attached to, an organisation).


In the event of GQAL receiving an anonymous complaint we try to confirm the allegation by a separate investigation before taking it up with those responsible. The outcome of the investigation will remain confidential between GQAL and the Centre apart from where statutory or legal requirements are involved e.g. safeguarding, fraud. It is always preferable to reveal your identity and contact details, though you may ask us not to divulge them. GQAL will investigate complaints from whistle-blowers in accordance with relevant whistle blowing legislation.

Contacting GQAL.

We encourage customers to put their concerns in an email or letter to:

Post to: Helen Mence, Responsible Officer, GQAL, International Arts Centre, Garden Street, Leicester. LE1 3UA

Email to:

Approved Board of Directors April 2024
Next Review April 2027