Case Studies

Proud and Loud Arts

Proud & Loud Arts is an ambitious integrated theatre company creating innovative and thought-provoking performances from the perspective of artists living with disability labels.

PDF Proud and Loud Arts Case Study (right click to save as)

Thirty Pound Gentlemen

Thirty Pound Gentleman works with young people aged 13+, and adults, to increase agency and employability. We deliver in the classroom and community setting, providing creative, sporting, and other organised activities. It's the connecting of the PEARL Award and our own programme of work, Creative Leaders and Critical Thinkers 1-4, that makes our projects exciting and dynamic. Culture, leadership, and education meet and overlap as we programme panel discussions, cultural events, deliver workshops and programmes, and invite partners and clients to be risky and embrace young people led activity that also fits into curriculum and behaviour management goals for participants.

PDF Thirty Pound Gentlemen Case Study (right click to save as)

Wigan Youth Zone

Enterprise and Employability – ‘Get a Job’